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CNN - 2000ats
"Teachers don't have an accurate enough grasp on each individual's interests and don't
know what they're looking for in, and need to get out, of life. They can only see
things from an education for the moment point of view because they don't know
what's in your long run plans." (9th grade girl)
"`cause I don't feel comfortable talking to teachers about my future." (8th grade girl)
"I don't feel like I can trust most of the teachers in my school." (10th grade girl)
"I don't really like any of the high school teachers, maybe if I was still in middle
school I would, `cause in middle school you get a lot closer to your teachers."
(11th grade girl)
"They always suggest the classes that are most educational. They don't tell you to
pick any classes that are fun and interesting." (7th grade boy)
"They don't always understand where it is you're coming from and they think some
classes aren't easy or they may underestimate your abilities." (11th grade girl)
"Because the profession that I want to go into has nothing to do with being a teacher
so I figure they wouldn't know what classes to take." (11th grade girl)
"Teachers are usually pretty busy and they don't really act like they care."
(7th grade girl)
"Because many of the teachers in my school are unapproachable. They don't really
care what happens with the students. And I don't really have a bond with any of my
teachers." (10th grade boy)
"Teachers don't concern themselves with the students personally. It's almost as if they
think we're too young to understand anything concerning our future, it would be a
waste of their time because we're too young to be thinking of those things (as they
see it)." (11th grade girl)
"They discuss students' lives with everybody." (9th grade boy)
"Teachers are not as authoritative as a police officer and have less power."
(11th grade boy)

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