What do teens who feel they spend too little time with their parents want to do with
them if they had the time? Two-thirds (65%) would like to do things such as play
games, go shopping, or watch a movie or TV. One-quarter (25%) would like to talk.
And 14% just want to spend time together or hang out.
"Talk about my after high school plans." (10th grade boy)
"I'd like to get to know my mother and for her to get to know me. She knows noth-
ing about me and I am hurt by that. She doesn't even try to find out what's going on
with my life. Sometimes I feel like I need to get into some trouble for her to start
paying attention to me." (9th grade girl)
"I would just like to talk about what my life is like. I wish that they would really care
about how I do in school. All they do is see my report card and tell me I could do bet-
ter if the grade isn't a 100. They could help me with my homework. They could make
sure I do my homework. Anything really." (12th grade boy)
"Have them come to some of my games and competitions and concerts and things
like that." (9th grade boy)
So, What Are Parents and Children Doing Together?
While many parents may be spending time with their children, not many are talking
to them about school, with parents of teens especially unlikely to be doing so.
Two-thirds (66%) of parents, and 58% of parents of teens (grades 7 - 12), say
they talk to their children about school on a daily basis.
This number drops to 23% when we ask students (grades 7 - 12).
However, parents who feel they spend enough time with their children are highly
likely to be spending at least some of that time talking about school -- 78% vs. 55%
among parents who spend too little time with their children (Exhibits 2.2 - 2.3).