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CNN - 2000ats
C H A P T E R 1 :
Improving the quality of education is a high priority for both teachers and parents,
while teens' concerns are more diverse. The grading of the quality of education at
their own schools by parents, teachers and students shows room for improvement.
Schools are doing a better job covering basics, such as English, Math and Science,
than general life skills (e.g., getting along with each other, problem solving, being a
good citizen). Disaffected parents and students are the harshest graders.
The Most Important Issue Facing America -- Education and School Safety
When asked which of several issues is the most important facing America today, par-
ents and teachers point to the schools; more specifically -- quality of education and
school safety:
One-third (33%) of parents and more than four in ten (44%) teachers feel that
the quality of education in the school is the most important issue facing America
With an additional 16% of parents and 9% of teachers saying that it's school
safety that's key.
Secondary school students are most likely to mention having people get along with
each other (23%). Yet in general, the views of students tend to be more diverse, with
about equal numbers indicating quality of education (18%), school safety (18%), and
the environment (20%) (Exhibit 1.1).
Competing Voices
"Teach them about life and what is right and wrong."
(Father of 12th grade boy)
"Pay attention to the `average' student--affirm them--don't
pay so much attention to the `star' or `problem'"
(Mother of 9th grade girl)
"Teach Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic only and leave the teaching of
morals and values at home where they belong!!!!"
(Mother of 10th grade girl)

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