CNN 2000ats Page 13
answering that question. Note that in some cases results may be based on small sam-
ple sizes. This is typically true when questions were asked of subgroups. Caution
should be used in drawing any conclusions from the results based on these small sam-
ples. Percentages depicted may not add up to 100% because some answer categories
may be excluded from the figure.
Project Responsibility and Acknowledgments
The Harris team responsible for the design and analysis of the survey included Anne
Axelrod, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Dana Markow, Ph.D., Project Manager.
Harris Interactive Inc. is responsible for final determination of the topics, question
wording, collection of data, analysis and interpretation in the report.
Public Release of Survey Findings
All Harris Interactive Inc. surveys are designed to comply with the code and standards
of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) and the code
of the National Council of Public Polls (NCPP). Because data from the survey may
be released to the public, release must stipulate that the complete report is also avail-