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CNN - 2000ats
Another area that may be related to quality of education is class size. This issue was
mentioned by several teachers when asked, "What changes would you like to see
occur that would improve the education you provide your students"?
"Decrease the class size, increase the number of parental volunteer aides in all
grades, . . ."
". . . Next, a drastic reduction in class size. I mean, drastic. There should be no class
with more than 25 students, period. That may mean hiring more teachers--oh well.
Given a choice of smaller classes or more technology, I for one would choose small-
er classes, even though I use and like technology in the classroom. . . "
". . . Another important change that is needed is class size. Children can easily tune
out when there are 25 - 40 students in a class. They can `hide.' One on one educa-
tion with 10 - 15 in a class makes it impossible for them to deny responsibility for
their education. This would also further help to improve their attitude, and those
who didn't want to learn would soon find themselves `flunking out!'. . ."
Teachers believe that their schools are doing a better job with the basics than
with more general life skills (Exhibit 11.4). Eight in ten teachers give their school an
A or B in preparing their students in English (82%), math (78%) and science (81%).
However, this drops off in their grading of general life skills, such as preparing stu-
dents in getting along with other people (73%), knowing about current events (66%),
learning about different jobs and careers (68%), being a good citizen (68%) and
knowing how to solve problems (60%).

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