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CNN - 2000ats
C H A P T E R 1 1 :
The preceding chapters in this report have highlighted the competing voices that
exist concerning issues related to education and preparedness. This chapter focuses
specifically on teachers - their experiences and their perspectives on the tensions that
they face in schools today. What is it like teaching junior and senior high school stu-
dents today and how do teachers view their role? Many teachers feel alienated from
their school, especially those who teach in schools with high proportions of low-
income or minority students. One-third of teachers believe the quality of their
school's education rates a "C" average. Teachers see themselves as a source of sup-
port for students when it comes to advice about classes, feeling safe at school and for
help when they are sad or depressed. Teachers feel particularly responsible for stu-
dents' learning about different jobs and careers.
Looking at education in the future, only slightly more than half of teachers see
the quality of education improving. However, half of teachers believe that education
is among the career areas that offer the most potential for their students.
The Teaching Experience
How do secondary school teachers view their relationship with their school? Many
teachers feel alienated - they believe they are left out of things going on around them
at their school (28%), and what they think doesn't count very much at their school
(27%) (Exhibit 11.1). Feelings of alienation are not equally distributed among all
teachers. Those feelings are most prevalent among teachers whose schools have high
proportions of low-income or minority students. Teachers whose schools are at least
two-thirds minority students (35%) are more likely than those with fewer minority
students (27%) to feel left out of things going on around them at school. Teachers
whose school's population is more than two-thirds low-income students are most
likely to hold the latter view (34%), compared to teachers whose students are one-
third or fewer low-income (24%) (Exhibit 11.2).
Exhibit 11.1
Being Left Out of Things
Q312 I am left out of things going on around me at my school
Base: All teachers
% "Agree"

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