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CNN - 2000ats
"I think it will be because I'm gonna go to college and they never got that experience.
They also didn't end up being what they wanted to be." (9th grade girl)
"Because after I graduate from high school I will have a better chance to go to col-
lege than my parents' had. And after college I plan to get a great job that pays lots of
money. So I can take care of my family and give them all the things they need."
(9th grade girl)
"Because times have changed. Hello people it is the year two thousand, the twenty-
first century here. I am gonna go out there and I am gonna work my butt off so that
I can have the job that I want." (10th grade boy)
"Society has advanced, I am smarter, and I won't pass up opportunities."
(10th grade boy)
"Because my mom has to work very hard and long hours to earn her paycheck and
she has a really hard job. I think also if I get a job that pays more money I won't have
to worry about making ends meet." (10th grade girl)
"Because I see their mistakes and I learn from them. And the lesson that a credit card
shouldn't be taken too lightly has helped me already." (11th grade, girl)
"My parents have struggled a lot in life. Since I have opportunities they never had,
naturally it will be easier for me to have a better life and even help them out."
(11th grade boy)
"Because my parents never got a college education and they could never do what they
truly wanted with their lives. Plus, they have made sure that I would get the things
that they didn't." (11th grade boy)
"Because they didn't finish college, by doing that they were stuck as well as having
children young. I want to go to college and have a job that I TRULY L OVE!!!!!! Not
having a job only because that is the only one I can get because of no diploma."
(12th grade girl)
"Because I, unlike my parents have stayed dedicated to school, so I will have more
economic opportunities...they dropped out in high school, while I will go to college."
(12th grade boy)
"Because I plan to have more education under my belt." (12th grade boy)

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