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CNN - 2000ats
Exhibit 10.3
Having More
Student Base: All students (N = 3961)
Parent Base: Secondary School Parents (N = 855)
% Will Have More Than Parents
In terms of comparing specific aspects of their lives to their parents' lives, gen-
der, minority status and quality of life illuminate interesting patterns (Exhibit 10.4).
Boys are more likely than girls to think they will have more money than their parents
(75% vs. 70%), but gender does not distinguish boys' and girls' predictions for other
areas of their lives. Minority students are consistently more likely than non-minori-
ty students to believe they will have more than their parents in each of the areas.
Finally, although students with a low quality of life are less likely than others to be
very confident about achieving their goals for the future, they do think they will have
more happiness and more time for family and for hobbies and other activities than
their parents did.

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