24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 8 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
Mrs. Bjrg Walstad, member of the World Committee, introduced the keynote
speaker, Mr. Henrik Syse, PhD and researcher of the Peace Institute of Oslo,
Norway. Mr. Syse happened to be the nephew of Mrs. Walstad.
Mr. Syse then gave an inspiring lecture on "Mission, Vision, Strategy". The
PowerPoint presentation will be available on the ISGF 2005 website
Mr. Syse's lecture was followed by an inspiring panel discussion of the subject.
The panel consisted, aside from Mr. Syse himself, of three members of the
World Committee and two representatives of the Scout and Guide associations.
The concluding statement of the panel members was the theme of this
conference: "Together build the Future".
The panel discussion was followed by contributions and questions from the
conference participants.
Recommendations and proposals by the World Committee end the NSGFs
concerning the ISGF Constitution and Bye-Laws.
The various recommendations and proposals were presented by delegates
Greece, Denmark, Tunisia and the World Committee.
This was followed by contributions from a few delegates from Iceland, Tunisia,
Belgium, France, Switzerland, Denmark, United Kingdom (Trefoil), and Iceland.
Denmark proposed a resolution asking the World Committee to compose an
entirely new proposal based on the submitted recommendations and proposals.
This new proposal should be in the hands of the NSGFs no later than April 1
2006, and comments submitted to the World Committee no later than
December 31
2007. The new proposal should be handled by the 25
Conference 2008.
UK Trefoil proposed a linguistical review of the Constitution and Bye-Laws. A
proposal paper was distributed to the delegations.
The final decisions on the recommendations and proposals will be taken when
the conference reconvenes Wednesday. Any joint recommendations and
proposals must be submitted to the Presidency in writing, properly signed.
Mrs. Martine Levy of the World Committee ended the Monday session by
introducing the Tuesday working groups.
The conference received two proposals for amendments of the ISGF
Constitution and ByeLaws.
The World Committee, Austria, Greece and Tunisia presented a proposal
covering Articles V, VII, IX, XI of the Constitution and ByeLaw IV concerning the
Central Branch. This joint proposal reduced the volume of the 25-page
document received prior to the conference to a considerably handier seven-
page document.
The Nordic-Baltic Sub-Region presented a proposal covering Article IX of the
Constitution, as well as a proposal for a resolution suggesting that the World
Committee is given the task of drafting a new proposal covering the affected
Articles and Sections for decision by the 25
World Conference 2008.
There were contributions from Carol Bowen of the World Committee, Mr. Alfred
Partsch of Austria, Mr. Mario Sica of Italy, Mr. Ahmed Ben Mansour of Tunisia,
Mr. Niels Rosenbom of the Central Branch, Mrs. Rigmor Lauridsen of Denmark,
and Mr. Ales Cerin of Slovenia.