24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 43 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
WAGGGS-Panel address
Carol Bowen
How the two organizations can work together for mutual benefit.
World Level
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is aware of the International Scout and
Guide Fellowship as a group of adults who have had former experience as active leaders of
the Scout and Guide Associations at all levels within their own country.
At World level, WAGGGS is conscious that ISGF has made some contribution, mainly
financial, to the work of WAGGGS, and thanks ISGF for the annual Rieck-Muller scholarship.
At World level, it is probably not known just how much practical and financial help is given in
individual countries. Indeed, it is not generally understood how the ISGF National
Fellowships relate to the WAGGGS Member Organizations. I must add that neither is this
clear to ISGF!
At World level WAGGGS would like to encourage more communication between volunteers
and we would suggest a meeting of its chairmen early in the next triennium.
WAGGGS would like to see a link between the websites of both organizations.
WAGGGS would like ISGF to promote and support WAGGGS fundraising initiatives, Like
World Thinking Day.
WAGGGS is disappointed that they are not able to take a full and active part in this World
Conference. They did receive invitations but the World Board Chairman, the Chief Executive
and other Board members are at this moment on their way to Jordan for the WAGGGS World
Conference, to which I must rush after this conference. Perhaps we could plan these things
better in the future.
There exists a Relationship Statement between WAGGGS and ISGF, which was updated in
November 2001. It is still relevant today and many of its objectives are being achieved. There
does remain some work to be done, particularly in the exchange of information. By using
each other's media to publicise our activities, we could identify areas where ISGF could be of
real service.
Perhaps this is where we should begin in order (I quote) "to promote our shared ideals...
with clarity, co-operation and with minimum possible wastage of resources"
Regional level
At Regional level the recognition and understanding of ISGF by WAGGGS varies
enormously across the world.
During 2004, WAGGGS held conferences in all five World Regions. We were delighted to
welcome some of the ISGF World Committee members and were pleased to be able to offer