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International Scout and Guide Fellowship - file.2005 12 05.398083
24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 42 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
I think through the support of ISGF at world level, WOSM can increase its impact and
support to NSOs by making resources more widely available. It is also important that support
is provided at national and local level, working in partnership with Scouting to help them to
meet their particular needs.
I think that with the 2007 celebrations, there are many opportunities for ISGF to support
There are already good relationships established at world level, supporting the development
of key aspects of the Strategy.
Our push to National Scout Organisations is to encourage and help them to take a strategic
approach; to meet the specific needs that they have and to use the centenary celebrations to
help them on their way and encourage them to involve everyone in their plans and work.
The other key aspect is to set targets and measure our progress in the strategy. This will be
a key aspect of the discussion groups and from this specific projects will arise following the
conference in Tunisia.
Thank your for your support so far and can I ask you to continue to support Scouting at
national and local level as this is where Scouting really makes a difference.
Thank you

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