24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 40 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
WOSM-Panel address
Anne Whiteford
Director, Strategic Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation
World Scout Bureau
Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all I would like to say how pleased I am to be able to be here with you today to
provide a short input on the Strategy for Scouting and how it links with your strategy, which I
know is a key item on the agenda of your conference this week.
I am responsible for supporting the work on the strategy at the World Scout Bureau, where I
have been working for 4 · years. I have a long involvement with Scouting and Guiding
working professionally for Scouting for 11 years in the UK before joining the team at the
World Scout Bureau.
The Strategy for Scouting was adopted at the last World Scout Conference in Thessaloniki.
This followed putting the building blocks in place over a period of years.
The programme policy was adopted.
Adults in Scouting was introduced and the World Adult Resources Policy developed.
A new fee system for WOSM was introduced and a mission statement was developed and
adopted in Durban in 1999.
This work has been very important but defining the mission of Scouting was the first step in
developing the strategy.
The process is the same as you are using and in world Scouting we have tried to make this a
very participative process. A vision statement, to inspire and motivate leaders was
developed, strategic priorities identified, and expected results were determined following the
discussion groups in Thessaloniki.
The strategic priorities for the Strategy are:
1. Youth Involvement revitalising the Scout Method
2. Adolescents supporting their transition to adulthood
3. Girls and Boys, Women and Men respecting differences, promoting equality and sharing
4. Reaching Out breaking down barriers and working with all segments of society.
5. Volunteers in Scouting developing new approaches to broaden the base of adult
6. An Organisation for the 21
Century becoming flexible, lean, innovative and