24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
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World Conference 2005
Conference Report
seminars where participants could further debate on ISGF (mission, vision and strategic
Together we redefined our Mission which is the very essence of our Organisation. Together
we built our Vision giving the opportunity to our Organisation to be better prepared for new
challenges. Both Mission and Vision were endorsed. Together we will carry out the Strategic
Plan (2008-2020) produced by your World Committee and enriched by the additional ideas
that came out of your fruitful debates.
Fee system
The fee system that was adopted unanimously is a valuable step forward. The next step,
even more challenging, is to see our Fellowships increase their membership as it was clearly
stated that this system was essentially meant to be incentive. Once more our Finance, which
is everybody's concern, needs us to take up every opportunity to improve it.
Constitutional matters
ISGF structure was another critical point considered by the World Committee and the
NSGFs. Opinion was divided and the opposite proposals of amendments that the General
Assembly had to debate on, proved that this concern is an arduous one. So, during the
Conference it was decided to initiate talks between the proponents, in a transparent way, in
order to bring them together and have a joint proposal submitted to the General Assembly. A
joint document was finalized. However the issue concerning the position to be assigned to
the Chairmen of the Regional Committees was still to be determined. Yet, as far as this issue
is concerned, two proposals, divergent in some key points, were discussed. As a result, the
current constitution was in its main points carried out. Some of the amendments voted on
and carried, although minor at first glance, are to be considered as key ones and will
certainly pave the way to a deeper reflection on the structure of ISGF for years to come.
These amendments are disclosed in the Resolutions and the Resolutions Committee report.
Triennial report
The triennial report underlined the strengths and weaknesses, at the same time, always in
relation to the Action Plan: development of global strategic objectives, intensification of our
relationships with WAGGGS and WOSM, as well as with international Organisations
(UNESCO...), regional decentralization and strong support to the regions, setting up an
Image and a Corporate Identity for ISGF, support to the NSGFs, development of a more
modern World Bureau, coherent working methods of the World Committee, etc...)
Election to the World Committee
Thirteen candidates stood for election. The presentation of the candidates before and during
the Conference was more elaborate as it was renewed and improved according to your
expectations. Twelve out of thirteen candidates attended the Conference and were already
involved in various tasks. It was certainly a difficult task for the General Assembly to select
six members among those candidates.
The 2005-2008 ISGF World Committee
The 2005-2008 World Committee consists of:
Martine Levy (France), Chairman;
Mohamed Nejib Gharbi (Tunisia) and Bjorg Walstad (Norway), Vice-Chairmen;
Linda Bates (Canada), Abdesslam Ben Moussa (Morocco), Ales Cerin (Slovenia), Leny
Doelman (Netherlands), Anne Dupont (Belgium), Brett Grant (Australia), Suresh Lalwani
(India), Rigmor Lauridsen (Denmark), Mario Sica (Italy), Members.
The World Conference 2008
In 2008 Tunisia will host the 25
ISGF World Conference. Tunisia was the only candidate to
apply for hosting such an event which will take place in the Arab Region and on the African