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International Scout and Guide Fellowship - file.2005 12 05.398083
24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 39 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
Finally, let me add that it has been for me a rewarding experience to be the World Scout
Committee representative over the past three years. A new member will replace me after our
World Scout Conference in Tunisia. I am sure that he or she will maintain an active presence
among you, a presence which will contribute to strengthening the synergy between our two
organizations for the great benefit of the Scout Movement.
Thank you!
Co-operation in the coming years, especially between now and 2007, will concentrate on the
preparation of the celebration of the centenary of Scouting.
These are the main world initiatives for 2007 - but we hope that every supporter will use 2007
in their own way to boost their Scouting. We hope that national level organizations will run a
great number of events, activities, programmes and projects before, during and after 2007 to
improve their Scouting, improve the image of Scouting in their country and attract more
support for Scouting.
The initiatives cover a range of activities - there is something for everyone... and they can be
adapted to the social and economic situations in each organization. 2007 is for EVERYONE -
it is not just a Jamboree - it should be for all 38+ millions of Scouts and Guides worldwide,
ISGF, their families, supporters, communities, and our partners.
Familiarise yourself with the key messages, programmes and initiatives for 2007. Check the
website regularly for new information.
Please contact Toby Suzuki, WOSM Representative to ISGF, or Nicola Gooderson, 2007
Project Manager, World Scout Bureau Central Office, for any queries relating to 2007.
Please contact your World Bureau in Brussels for additional support
Use this information and pass on key messages during any input at key national or local
Where you can obtain more information
ScoutPAX website (June 2005)
Contact: Toby Suzuki ­
WOSM Representative to ISGF
Nicola Gooderson - Project Manager, 2007 Centenary

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