24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 24 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
Promotion via newspaper, radio, visual displays, tables with information and internal
lists for all events;
Form a Regional Committee with a letter of agreement, not a constitution;
Time line for the above information
Organisational charts from ISGF.
The Europe Region
They were divided into three groups.
They all focused on the need of being visible to the public. Each group came up with
suggestions on how this group could be organised. These reports are available on the web
site, or can be requested from the World Bureau.
1. What can be done to strengthen the relationship between the National Scout and
Guide Associations and the National Scout and Guide Fellowship?
Purposeful and meaningful combined events, projects (Peace light of Bethlehem,
combined support services (eg: headquarters in same building...)
Go out and create Scout groups
consider including the word Scout or Guide in the name of your organisation, but take
action first
listen to each other and suggest (do not push)
be informal
participate in each other's activities
be recognizable as a member of NSGF (use uniform, scarf...)
2. What can be done in our National Scout and Guide Fellowships to attract young
members no longer active in Scout and Guide Associations?
Common projects with youth (do not help, but cooperate at the same level)
networking globally-down to the basics of scouting (no hotels...)
-having trainings for Guilds themselves (do not just to offer help)
personal contact (invitation to NSGF)
go crazy (organise crazy activities and invite Rovers, leaders) open communication
about activities
be recognised by uniform (power of symbols!)
internet Guilds (to prevent isolation: when you have active members spread all over
the country)
interaction between Guilds and active leaders (having activities together)
diversity of activities in one Guild
twinning between Guilds and young Scout groups
actively participate in youth activities (do not just serve)