24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 22 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
Specialist meetings
National Presidents
The meeting focused on the following main points:
1. Assessment of the key issues (23rd World Conference in Vancouver): strength and
2. Key triennial issues for the next triennium
3. Contribution from NSGFs to the Strategic plan:
1. Aware of the difficulties that the World Committee had to face, the participants made a
positive evaluation of this triennium and recognised the good results related to:
improvement of the relationship with WAGGGS and WOSM
stronger cooperation with Regional Committees
Due to those last difficulties there is an urgent need to update our structure mainly for the
roles and responsibilities of the World.Committee, the World Bureau, the Regions and the
2. Key triennial issues for the next triennium:
a) agreement on the three Strategic goals:
building stronger Fellowships
expanding the number of members and of Fellowships
identifying services
b) the new fee system:
the objectives of the new system are appreciated, yet the
participants would like to have more information on the technical and operational aspects as
the NP and IS will have to promote the system at the national level.
c) ISGF website (Internet and Intranet): many of the participants declared that till now they
have made little use of the system, Those who use it regularly declared that they highly
appreciate it and the possibilities it offers for better communication, service and relationship.
The next step is to promote this tool at all levels of the Organisation and to push the NSGFs
to use it to the full.
4. The implementation of the new Strategic plan:
To obtain the close involvement of the NSGFs, the Regional Committees and Sub-
Committees and its start can be possible only with the full involvement of all NSGFs of
Regional Committees of Sub-Regional Committees, by setting up:
meetings (Regions, Sub-Regions, local)
training and information
more action
support to countries with temporary difficulties in getting fees and travelling
support in building new Fellowships
International Secretaries
The International Secretaries' discussion group identified the following objectives:
1. Considering the draft of International Secretary guidelines that had been updated
after the 23
World Conference, a team has been set up :
to work out this document, via the Intranet if possible, with the International