24th World Conf report.doc
Version date: Oct. 10, 2005
Page 16 / 52
World Conference 2005
Conference Report
1. Rules of Procedures
The rules of procedures of the World Conference are approved.
2. Appointments
As proposed by the World Committee the World Conference approves the appointment of
the following persons:
Conference Chairperson:
Trond WALSTAD (Norway)
Conference Vice Chairwoman
Marit K. JANSSON (Norway)
Resolution Committee
Gjermund Austvik (Sweden)
Anne Dupont (Belgium)
Jeannine Granger (France)
Liz AVESTON (United Kingdom)
Nicole BEAUBRUN (CB-Casegha)
Angeliki GAVALA (Greece)
3. New Memberships
The World Conference confers full membership to "Asociacin Nacional de Scouts y
The World Conference confers associate membership to the OE Bahrain Scouts and
Guides Fellowship ·, and to
The OE National Fellowship of St.George's Guild", Ghana.
4. Mission - Vision - Strategy
The paper on "Mission Vision Strategy" of ISGF is unanimously accepted.
5. 2005-2008 Action Plan
This action plan is accepted by majority vote.
6. Finance
1. The 2006-2007-2008 financial plan is adopted by majority vote.
2. The new membership fee system (2/3 majority of voters) is accepted.
3. Anthony Florizoone, account Auditor since 1998, is appointed new Treasurer of the
The World Conference also appoints Christine Pasche (Switzerland) as the Accounts
7. Elections
The World Conference elects six new Committee members for six years:
- Brett D. GRANT