Version date :June 2005
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The Constitution and bye-laws of ISGF
to accept the responsibility for the raising of funds additional to the annual fee paid by
k) to submit the Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts and submit the budgets and
recommended annual fee to the World Conference;
to grant remission or postponement of payment of the annual fees;
m) to submit reports and recommendations to the World Conference;
n) to establish Regions and help establishing Regional Committees, in accordance with the
provisions of Article XI and to maintain close liaison with the Regional Committees; to
recommend re-organisation of Regions and Sub-Regions at the request of NSGFs or as
may be necessary;
o) to grant consultative status to such Organisations as may be of assistance to ISGF as
approved from time to time by the world Conference;
p) to exercise other functions resulting from this constitution and By-laws as approved from
time to time by the World Conference.
Sections 6: Voting.
a) Each member of the World Committee and any substitute called to fill a vacancy shall
have one vote (Article IX, sections 1 and 3).
b) Resolutions shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present and voting. In
the event of a tie, the motion is defeated;
c) Proxy voting are not provided for.
Section 7: Meetings and Committees.
The World Committee meets at least once a year at such time and place as the World
Committee may decide
Two-third of the members with voting rights are required fro the quorum
The World Committee adopts its own rules of procedure.
The World committee may establish, on a permanent or temporary basis, Sub-
committees or other bodies as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.
Section 8 : The Steering Committee
A Steering Committee is created within the World Committee. It is comprised of the
Chairman of the World Committee, the Vice-Chairmen, the Secretary General and the
The Steering committee must meet at least once a year between two meetings of the World
The duties of the Steering Committee are exclusively to prepare the meetings of the World
Committee and to follow up on its decisions and recommendations.
The Steering Committee meetings are called by its Chairman or half of the elected members
of the World Committee.