Version date :June 2005
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The Constitution and bye-laws of ISGF
Section 2: Term of Office of elected members.
No elected member can hold office for more than two triennia consecutively (six years), four
retiring at each Triennial World Conference and an equal number being elected in their
places. A retiring member is eligible for re-election after a lapse of one triennium.
This restriction does not apply to a member who has been called to fill a vacancy arising in
between two World Conferences as provided in Section 3.
Section 3: Vacancies.
Should vacancies occur in the elected membership due to resignation, illness or death, in the
interval between two World Conferences, such vacancies to be filled by the World Committee
in office. Where possible, first preference must be from the remainder of nominees for
elections submitted at the preceding World Conference. The principle established in the last
sentence of Article IX, Section 1a must apply.
Section 4: Chairman and Vice-Chairmen.
At its first meeting, the World Committee shall elect its Chairman and one or two Vice-
Chairmen. Their term of office is for one triennium, which ceases at the end of the meeting
held at the World Conference.
Section 5: Functions.
The World Committee is the executive body of ISGF. Its members shall consider the
interests of ISGF as a whole. They neither consider themselves, nor be considered as
representing any particular NSGF or Region.
The functions of the World Committee are:
a) to act on behalf of the World Conference between its meetings; to give effect to its
decisions, recommendations and policies and to represent it at international event and
notional events;
b) to promote ISGF throughout the world by means of visits, correspondence, training
courses and other appropriate action;
c) to advise and assist NSGFs in carrying out the Principles, Aims and Objectives of ISGF;
d) to recommend the admission of NSGFs applying for Membership, after consultation with
the Scout and Guide Associations recognised in that country;
e) to suspend provisionally, if necessary, the Membership of a NSGF until the next World
to prepare the agenda and procedure of the meetings of the World conference in
accordance with Bye-Law I;
g) to appoint the Secretary General of ISGF and to appoint his/her Deputy or Deputies upon
a recommendation of the Secretary General;
h) to supervise the management of the World Bureau;
to appoint project representatives without voting rights, as is felt necessary; their
mandate shall be limited to a maximum of three years which can eventually be extended
up to a maximum of three years