We would like to have photos, drawings, articles, ideas for all editions to come. Please send them to: ISGF World Bureau, Avenue de la Porte de Hal 38,
BE-1060 Brussels, Belgium. Tel/fax: +32 2 511 4695, e-mail: isgf-aisg@skynet.be Web: www.isgf.org
World Gazette Mondiale is published in English and French. Director of the publication: Martine Levy, chairman of the ISGF WCOM.
Editor: Rigmor Lauridsen, member of ISGF WCOM. Lay-out: www.PrinfoDjurs.dk, Printers: Van Ruys S.A.
All year round
100 Years of Scouting, Celebrations
13-20 January
Forum Grossarl, Austria
22 February
Lighting the Scout & Guide Spirit
Flame in Nyeri, Kenya
Thinking Day (WAGGGS)
150th Anniversary of Baden-Powell's
Birthday (WOSM)
9-11 March
ISGF Steering Committee meeting ,
5-11 May
19th European Scout Conference
and 12th European Scout and Guide
Conference, Portorz, Slovenia
18-24 May
WAGGGS Arab Regional Conference,
Anne Dupont will represent ISGF
5th ISGF Arab Region Conference,
Nejib Gharbi will represent ISGF
WGM 1-2007 : 15.1.2007
WGM 2-2007 : 15.5.2007
Celebrate 2010
The members of the UK Trefoil Guild are
planning visits to the WAGGGS Four
World Centres over the next four years
leading up to the Girlguiding's centenary
celebrations in 2010.
Next spring around 70 members will be off
to Our Cabana to experience the cultural
activities of Mexico. As well as the visit to
Mexico, the Trefoil Guild is raising funds to
contribute to Guias de Mexico's "Spon-
sor a Guide" project. Their aim is to have
enough money to allow girls from the
mountain villages to join Guides or to par-
ticipate in short term training programmes.
In the following years as we visit Our
Chalet, Sangam and Pax Lodge we will
also participate in their current projects.
Elizabeth Ferrier
National President UK Trefoil Guild
Central Branch
and Twinning
Since 1957 individual adult Scouts and Guides, well organised or not in units or groups,
have joined the Central Branch. This occurred in countries where we are not yet able to
establish a National Scout and Guide Fellowship. A lot of Central Branch members have
started "twinning" with members of these organizations but we still encourage others to
do the same.
In total we now have 485 Central Branch members in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil,
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada Trefoil Guild and a Canadian French speak-
ing group, Congo Brazzaville, Cuba, Ecuador, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya,
Nepal, Rwanda, South Africa, Taiwan (ROC), Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago,
USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Central Branch- and Twinning Co-ordinator
Celebrating Fellowship Day
The International Fellowship Day was very
well attended at the Midland Region Trefoil
House in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
The event was a Regional one cover-
ing membership from Central England
and each County had put on a display or
Every year on Fellowship Day, October
25th, funds are collected to celebrate the
occasion. This year, the collection has
been donated to the Pakistan Girl Guides.
We started the days' events by having
a short service followed by a talk and
a presentation of the work `Humanity
First' provided immediately following the
Pakistan earthquake in October 2005. This
organisation was set up in the early 1990s
representing 25 countries and is based in
London. Some of the projects they have
provided in Africa are Medical Camps,
Skills Training, Orphans Care, Water for
Life and IT skills.
Following on was a Guider from Derby,
(Mai Lee), who has worked both at
Sangam in India and Pax Lodge in
London. She is a member of the Girl
Guides and Girl Scouts of Pakistan and
she told us how our Organisations helped
in the earthquake disaster.
Lunch was next on the agenda followed by
free time to visit the displays and activities
around the room. Twenty six members of
our Hall Green Trefoil Guild had visited
a Guild in the Netherlands last summer
and we had a lot of interest in our Dutch
display. A short camp fire rounded off the
Mrs Jean Gregory
Hall Green Trefoil Guild, Birmingham
I would like to thank the translators and the proofreaders of the English team:
Vera Mangold, Margaret Clark, Margaret Wellock and Carol Bowen