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© Copyright 2006 Intuitive Media 6/12/06
Not to phone too many people, don't give away your phone unless u know them well
Don't phone my boyfriend in the mornings and don't talk to my friends about other people
because I could get caught
I'm not allowed to text my friends that often as my Mum and Dad bought me my phone for
How many times I call my friends and to always be careful by not showing everyone because
some people steal them
Only to send texts at suitable times to friends and to phone home regularly when I'm out
Don't phone anyone for stupid reasons
I am only allowed to text or phone family or friends
Don't give out personal details and don't show off with it
If someone I dont know sends me a message delete it straight away and don't look at it
Don't flash in public
It's only for emergencies
Only use it for emergencies and don;t call people in less I have a reason
I can't text anyone for fun or chatting and I can only use it for emergencies
Only call someone if it's an emergency
I only use it for texting and only phone if it's emergency
Don't text or phone strange numbers, don't let anyone look at your phone and let people use
your phone just for an emergency
Do not call anyone unless its an emergency
I'm not allowed to text people everyday, I'm not allowed to take my phone to school and I have
to take my phone where ever I go out of school incase of an emergency or an accident
Only for emergency, yeah right
I don't have a phone but when I get one they are going to make use it for emergencies
No pornography
Don't go on bad sites
Do not send dirty meseges
Don't go on bad sites and dont text bad things to poeple
Don't download pornography
Don't go on the internet and dont have dirty things on it
Don't send bad text messages or visit bad sites on internet