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© Copyright 2006 Intuitive Media 6/12/06
I can't buy ring tones and stuff, I can't use all my credit, I can't ring people alot as it could
cause brain tumours
Don't send rude and unpleasant messages and I stick to it
I'm not allowed to send rude stuff
Never swear in calls, texts or emails
Don't look at rude stuff and be sensible
Always tell them if someone emails me and I don't know them and delete bad messages
Don't say rude messeges to people, don't use it too much or you will get bad ears
I have to use it sensibly and don't send rude or upsetting messages
Don't phone 999
Don't be silly with it
Don't text any thing rude, phone them if I'm out somewhere, switch of in the cinema and take it
No silly stuff
Don't do silly things like download things I don't need
Not to send bad things or anything rude
No rude words
Do not send rude or insulting messages or it will be taken away
Not to download anything rude or just to look at anything rude
Never send rude text messages
Talking to strangers
Never reply to texts that may or may not have been sent by accident, never download things
and only really use it unless it's urgent or there's no other phone nearby
Not to text strangers and use comon sense, don't answer the phone to somone who's not in
my phone book
I don't really have rules, but I'm not allowed to text people I don't know
Not to take it to your school and don't ever tell strangers to look at you pic
Not to let any strangers have your number and don't give it to people you don't know really
Not to reply to strangers and if they phone me hang up
Don't call strangers don't answer messages from people you don't know
That i shouldn't give anyone my mobile number if I don't know them
Never download anything without their perrmission, delete texts from strangers straight away
unless I recognise the number
Don't talk to someone you don't know because they might ask strange questions
I'm not allowed to speak to strangers that phone me or tell them where I live
I'm not allowed to get in touch with strangers, I can't download anything and I'm not allowed to
visit any websites
Never to give my number to anyone but then not to answer strangers and tell them if
something is wrong
Not to text anyone you don't know, people who text me who I don't know ignore them
If i did have a phone my mum has told me that I would only be aloud to phone my parents but I
would be able to text message my friends
Dont use your phone in public
Don't give away any personal information eg- name, address
Don't use it in public because phone theives might get them
Don't lend your phone to people, try not to get it out too much in public, don't trash it
They have rules, like when I go swimming I have to remember to text them so they know where
I am, it's like the only time I ever use my phone in public, I'm not allowed to keep flipping my
phone up and down, its a flip phone because it's tiny and the battery runs out a lot