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© Copyright 2006 Intuitive Media 6/12/06
Question 14: What rules do your parents have about how you use your mobile phone?
11% of children said their parents give them no rules about using the Internet on their mobile phones.
This needs to be taken with the fact that only 18% say they use the Internet on their phones. Most
parents of children in the sample would therefore have no call to make such rules. Where parents do
make rules they are mostly related to:
17% money
12% behaviour
10% talking to strangers
4% of parents warn children about giving away private information and 3% tell them what to do in an
Children talking about rules for mobile phones
I'm only allowed to spend £1 a week so I don't waste credit or if some think happens I don't
have enough credit to phone my parents
The £10 they give me has to last for at least 2 or 3 months
I have to spend my own money on what I'm going to do on my phone
Do not spend over £10 a week on downloads, do not lie about my age
I only use my money and they don't give me any money to spend on my phone
Not to spend too much on pointless calls
I don't use too much money and some things are blocked
Not to waste my credit and not to phone someone and pretend its someone else
I am only allowed to spend £5 every two weeks and I'm never allowed in a chat room
Not to spend too much money so I have Bluetooth
Send kind messeges, keep turned off in bag at school, don't waste air balance
I'm not allowed to spend too much and talk to anyone I dont know
Don't waste credit, don't call fake numbers
When I get the mobile I can only get £5 a month to use as credit
I'm only aloud to phone my family and I'm not aloud to buy ring tones or pictures and stuff like