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© Copyright 2006 Intuitive Media 6/12/06
Question 8: What videos do you watch on your phone? Where do you get them from?
Children talking about videos they watch on their phones
Most of the children who did watch videos on their phones watched the ones they made themselves. A
few got them from friends or downloaded them from the Internet.
My videos
Videos that I've recorded.
I record stuff, like someone doing amazing skateboard tricks
I watch videos that my little brother and I make together
I make my own but never download, it's a waste of money
I watch the ones I make because it changes my voice and it's funny
Videos from friends
I watch good and funny ones. I get them from my parents and friends
I watch cartoons and I get them from my friends
I watch Angry Kid, I get them from my cousins and friends
Videos from the Internet
I sometimes watch videos on my phone from Google video, and YouTube that my
friends link me to.
Football videos
I watch all kinds of videos on my phone, I get them from Limeware
I watch funny clips
I watch all kinds of videos on my phone. I get them off the internet on my phone
funny vidz. I get them from
I watch sports videos from Orange!