Anniversary announcements are printed every Saturday. Couples must be married at least 20 years for
inclusion on the anniversary page. Photographs will not be used before the 25th wedding anniversary.
Anniversary announcements must be submitted to either the Times's main office 260 Washington St.,
Watertown, or the office at 75 Main St., Canton, by 2 p.m. Friday for publication at the end of the following
week. Phone (315) 782-1000; fax (315) 782-1040.
Information will be edited to conform to Times style. Print or type information. Use full names, middle ini-
tials and street addresses. Clear, glossy, color or black-and-white photos will be accepted. Photographs
will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope or may be picked up at the Times cour-
tesy desk.
Full names of couple.
Couple's street address. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time, date and place of anniversary celebration, if any.
Husband's parents' names and address. Indicate if deceased. ------------------------------------------------------------
Wife's maiden name, wife's parents' names and address. Indicate if deceased. --------------------------------------------
When, where, by whom married. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Honor attendants, their present names and addresses. Indicate if deceased. (Entire wedding parties will not be published.)
Couple's education, military history. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Husband's employment history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Husband's clubs, hobbies.
Wife's employment history.
Wife's clubs, hobbies.
Children's full names and addresses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren. ------------------------------------------------
Confirmation of this information or more information may be obtained by calling:
Daytime telephone number (between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.):
Anniversary Form
March 10, 2000