Page 3 Scouting Rotary
Vol. 13, Issue 1
Join the Chicago Centennial
Day Parade
This is an invitation to all who are coming to Chicago for the
Convention to join local Scouts, etc. in the gigantic parade and
march with other IFSR members by contacting John Marmet.
2005 marks the 100
anniversary of the founding of the interna-
tional service organization, ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, in Chi-
cago, Illinois. Rotary exists in over 120 countries today, from Af-
ghanistan to Zimbabwe, living up to its motto: Service Above Self.
Scouting (founded 95 years ago) and Rotary have had a long asso-
ciation with Rotary being the first service organization to sponsor a
Boy Scout Troop.
This year, in Chicago, 70,000 Rotarians and their families will
converge on Chicago's McCormick Place to hold their Interna-
tional Convention. On Saturday, June 18, 2005 Chicago will hold
a Rotary Parade in downtown Chicago celebrating that event and
A special marching unit has been arranged to take part in the
parade composed of Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity
Scouts, Venturers and Explorers, from the six Boy Scout Councils
in the Chicago area, as well as Girl Scouts and Scout Leader Ro-
tarians from all over the world.
Join us for this once in a lifetime experience as Rotary Interna-
tional celebrates its 100
year. Remember there is not a whole lot
of difference between "Service above Self" and "Do a Good Turn
Daily". To join us contact our Rotary Centennial Parade Coordina-
tor, Scouter John Marmet of the Northeast Illinois Council.
On June 18
2005 your Scouts will be asked to assemble at 6:00
am. The parade will step off at 10:00 am sharp. Have your Scouts
in best parade uniforms to march in honor of Rotary's 100
versary. While the Scouts and their leaders will be from the greater
Chicago area, adult Scouters in uniform from anywhere in the
world attending the Rotary Convention are invited to participate as
well. Details about the assembly point will be sent to all who have
expressed an interest when that information becomes available.
Contact our coordinator John Marmet by email at:
or by mail at 950 Milwaukee Avenue, #318, Glen-
view, IL. 60025-3779. Indicate type of Pack, Troop, Crew, etc.
listing the number of Scouts and Scouters in uniform that will
march. Advise who is the contact person, address, telephone num-
ber and email address. Individual adult Scouters wishing to partici-
pate should provide the same contact information. This is a unique
opportunity to showcase Scouting to Rotarians and Chicago area
parade watchers.
IFSR Constitution Fine Tuned in Chicago
By Brian Theissen
It is less than 14 years since the first IFSR members to be
gathered in Mexico City for the RI Convention to get our Fellowship
underway. With a sketchy Constitution that allowed us to begin our
operation. Over those years we have grown from a handful of Rotari-
ans who also loved Scouting to a over 900 international Rotary Fel-
lowship with members in 41 countries, in 49 of the 50 United States,
on all continents except Antarctica and leadership anxious to maintain
and strengthen Rotary's relationship with Boy and Girl Scouting
around the world.
Since that time we have glued on some pieces here and there.
A comprehensive analysis in 2004 with the input from RI'S Fellow-
ship Committee (our own Marcus Crotts is one of its guru's) and its
specific requirements that were not always complied with in our old
After asking for comments and suggestions in the October
2004 issue of the Scouting Rotarian, the study group developed a new
proposed Constitution. It has been circulated among the IFSR leader-
ship and will formally be submitted for approval at our next Annual
General Meeting on Wednesday 22 June at 7:30am in room number
North 228 in the McCormack Center, at the 100
Anniversary Con-
vention in Chicago.
Changes are not dramatic but more for fine tuning... Some of
which include:
*Expressly including in our Aim the strengthening of rela-
tions with not just WOSM but with WAGGGS as well.
*Modifying dues and membership to conform to RI Fellow-
ship requirements that the only full members are Rotarians;
"Associates" may be non-Rotarian IFSR supporters.
*Outlining our organizational structure with the six IFSR
World Regions, but Sections and Districts in smaller groups to organ-
ize and participate in more local IFSR events.
*Clearer definition of officer rules, requirements, terms, and
reporting responsibilities worldwide and within Regions and Zones.
*Recognitions available within IFSR including the Silver
Wheel the top award recognition.
*IFSR participation/booths at Jamborees as well as Rotary
International events.
*Publications and web site (do I hear you volunteering to
help on this?)
*Meetings at International and Regional/Section levels.
*Elections considerations.
We look forward to this update of the Constitution and your active
voice in reviewing and approving it to bring us current with RI and our
leadership needs!
A copy of the proposed Constitution with revisions can be
obtained from me (
) in WordPerfect or by
mail at P. O. Box 1242, Alamo, California 94507 (phone 925 837
3355; fax 925 837 3352.
New Documents on the Internet
Jamboree on the air- Report of the 47
(2004) World Scout Jam-
boree on the Air (JOTA) and the Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI).
Youth Involvement at World Level, Circular 3, January 2005.
Statement on HIV/AIDS-Programmes by the Alliance of Youth
RIBI Breakfast in Chicago
All RIBI members and guests are invited to our breakfast on Monday, June
20th at 7:30am at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel. Cost L20 each.
Invite your Rotary friends and guests. Apply to you District Convention Co-
coordinator or directly to District Govenor Himansu Basu, district 1120.