IFSR Constitution
Proposed Revisions
Revised September 2004
approved by the AGM and the Executive Committee, which Committee may require
posting of a bond for the Treasurer, at no expense to him/her. Special attention should
be given to operational costs (including mailings) and assistance given to Rotary
International projects. The Treasurer will submit any required financial reports to
Rotary International.
The International Chair will appoint an independent expert to review the
International Treasurer accountings prior to the AGM and report on them at that
No IFSR member shall receive any IFSR funds for travel or housing or
registration or other personal expenses. All IFSR funds are to be maintained in a
special IFSR bank account under the Treasurer and used to reimburse only actual out
of pocket expenses for printing, postage, bank charges, credit card processing
charges, ties/scarves/pins, and other similar expenses approved by the Executive
3. Committees. IFSR shall have the following Committees, with members
appointed by the Chair, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee. Each
Committee (other than the Executive Committee) may have IFSR members and a
Chair who are not officers of IFSR or members of the Executive Committee:
a) Executive Committee. IFSR
s Executive Committee is composed of
1) International Chair
2) International Vice Chair(s)
3) International Secretary
4) International Treasurer
5) Regional and Sectional Chairs (who serve as a delegate to the
Executive Committee from that Region or Section)
6) Up to two At Large members as designated by the International
7) Immediate past IFSR International Chair, with no vote except if
needed in case of a tie vote
The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing the operation of
IFSR between AGM
s and implementing all activities necessary to accomplish the aim
and purpose of IFSR, and to oversee the Committees of IFSR. A quorum is five; vote
is by majority vote of the Executive Committee members participating.