IFSR Constitution
Proposed Revisions
Revised September 2004
Committee will appoint an interim Chair to serve the remainder of that term.
b) International Vice Chair(s). Qualifications are identical to the
qualification requirements for IFSR Chair. There may be more than one Vice Chair
nominated for specific purposes. An IFSR Vice Chair does not automatically become
eligible to become IFSR Chair.
If there is more than one Vice Chair, the Chair shall appoint a Vice Chair
to serve in the Chair
s absence as presiding officer at any IFSR event.
c) International Secretary. The International Secretary maintains all
records of IFSR proceedings during her/his term of office and coordinates all official
correspondence for the International Chair and for IFSR itself.
In addition, the International Secretary maintains all non-financial
membership information and is required to keep the Official Roster of all IFSR
members, and to keep it current and accurate at all times. The roster shall include the
names of all members unless a member elects, for privacy or other reasons, not to
have her/his name included on the roster. The Roster is to be available at any time to
any IFSR member but may never be made available to any other business, person, or
entity for any commercial or other than IFSR purpose.
The International Secretary, to be initially nominated, need not have been
a prior member of IFSR
s Executive Committee.
d) International Treasurer. The International Treasurer, to be initially
nominated, need not have been a prior member of IFSR
s Executive Committee.
S/he must receive all IFSR International membership dues, maintain all
financial records and provide twice yearly reports to the Executive Committee (as well
as an annual report for the AGM) regarding the income, expenditures, and stewardship
of IFSR funds.
The International Treasurer should submit to the Executive Committee,
prior to each AGM, a proposed Budget for the following fiscal year and a report on the
current year
s budget - which financial reports shall be available at the AGM.
The International Treasurer shall include in the IFSR financial report for
the AGM the relevant financial information regarding each Section/Region
s budget as
The International Treasurer oversees the stewardship of IFSR funds as