IFSR Constitution
Proposed Revisions
Revised September 2004
and with a two third majority vote. Dues are the same whether one is a Rotary or
Associate member.
Regular members currently receive an IFSR pin that symbolizes their
membership; Life members currently receive both a pin and a tie or scarf. Members
may purchase pins, scarves or ties at a price set at any AGM. These symbols of
membership may also be modified at any AGM.
All dues received from any IFSR member (new, Life, renewing) are divided one
half (50%) to IFSR and one half to the Region of IFSR designated by that member
address or, if no Region has been established, then to that Section, if any, as
described hereafter. If there is at that time no active Section or Region organization the
full dues will stay with IFSR
F. Organization of IFSR
1. Geographic. IFSR is a world wide organization of all Scouting Rotarians and
IFSR is responsible for all its activities anywhere in the world. In order to more
effectively serve areas of the Scouting/Rotary world there may also be, subject to
Executive Committee recommendation and approval by IFSR at any Annual General
meeting, subordinate IFSR Regions and Sections and Districts. World Scouting is
organized into six Regions (Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and
the Russia and the Newly Independent Nations that were formerly the Soviet Union).
IFSR Regions are similarly possible.
a) IFSR Regions. For any Region of IFSR to be established it must have
at least 50 currently active IFSR members
b) IFSR Sections. These may be established as interest develops within
a specific nation or geographic area. To be recognized as a Section it must have at
least 25 active IFSR members.
Sections, like Regions, have officers elected annually
at an AGM.
c) Districts. Each Rotary District is encouraged to have a District
The only currently active IFSR Regions are the Inter American Region
- north to South Pole of the Americas, including the Caribbean)
and European Region (which includes Great Britain and Ireland).
The only currently active IFSR Section is the one in Thailand (which will
be part of the Asia Pacific Region).