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International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians - Constitution Revise S 04 (Page 2)

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International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians - Constitution Revise S 04

E. Membership and Dues
1. Membership of IFSR is open to any Rotarian in good standing, Rotary
spouse or partner or family member or associate who is presently (or has formerly
been) a member and/or supporter of WOSM or WAGGGS organizations. There are
four types of membership (which types can be modified only by amending this
Constitution). Our fiscal and business year is 1 July of one year to 30 June the next.
Only Rotarian/Interact and Rotaract members may vote on any IFSR business;
associate and honorary members have a voice in meeting discussions, but not a vote.
Rotarian members who leave Rotary become associate members.
a) Annual members. Rotarians, Interact or Rotaract members, who pay
an initial joining fee and maintain their membership through the payment of annual
dues. Dues apply to each Rotary year; members who apply between 1 January and 31
May of any year shall pay annual dues plus one half and will become members for the
full subsequent year.
Members who enroll at the annual Rotary International Convention shall
have their annual dues paid for the following Rotary year.
Annual members who do not pay their dues for the next year within 90
days of the end of that fiscal year will be deemed inactive and to renew will need to join
with full new member or Life dues.
b) Life members. These are otherwise eligible members as described
annual members
but who pay the lifetime membership fee by paying it as a
one-time fee.
c) Associate members. Associate members are spouses, family,
partners, or associates of Rotarians who maintain their membership through the
payment of either annual or life membership dues.
d) Honorary members. Honorary members are persons that the
Executive Committee determines are of such unique and singular prestige or
connection with Scouting and Rotary that they should be honored with an annual
membership. Any member may suggest an Honorary member. The dues may be paid
by the nominator or waived by the Executive Committee.
2. Dues. Dues are the primary source of income to IFSR and are charged at a
rate that is equal for all IFSR members throughout the world. The current dues are $25
for annual members, $200 for Life members and $20 to renew membership. The
amount of the dues, but not the requirement of consistency, may be modified at any
Annual General Meeting (hereafter
) of IFSR. The issue of dues consistency
throughout IFSR may be modified only at an AGM attended by 25 or more members

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