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American Journal of Ophthalmology - AJO 2892 (Page 5)

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American Journal of Ophthalmology - AJO 2892
Page 5
Mimura T, Relationship between HLA and retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes
viewpoint and some reports have suggested that retinopathy is hereditary,
but other
authors have found no significant genetic influence on retinopathy.
Thus, the
relationship between retinopathy and hereditary factors is still controversial.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) status plays a significant role in immune responses
and in immunological tolerance. HLA status is a major factor in the onset of Type 1
and it also seems to have a role in the development and progression of
However, many previous studies have not taken the background of
glycemic control and duration of diabetes into consideration. We compared a group of
younger-onset Type 1 diabetis patients with PDR, and a group who had no signs of
retinopathy despite a long duration of diabetes. Younger patients were studied to
reduce the influence of adult diseases such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension. In
addition, various clinical back
ground factors were taken into consideration when
studying the
frequency of HLA types.
This study was a retrospective, nonrandomized comparative trial.

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