W W W. I N D Y F I L M F E S T. O R G
A P R I L 2 6 - 3 0 , 2 0 0 6
The Indianapolis International Film Festival is an annual celebration of the best that world cinema has to offer. Our third annual festival
will screen approximately 70 films April 26-30, 2006 in multiple venues throughout Indianapolis. A variety of affordable and flexible
sponsorship packages are now available to local businesses. Please contact Brian Owens at 317.968.0495 for more information or
simply fill out the form at the back of this packet and send it to us by mail or fax.
+ Target a broad and diverse audience
+ Reflect a high visibility investment
+ Increase brand loyalty
+ Support arts and community on a local and national level
+ Provide additional perks such as: movie tickets, invitations to private
receptions, entertain clients and/or give benefits to employees
The IIFF website received over 150,000 hits in the first half of 2005. Our supplement in NUVO reached nearly 200,000 people
throughout the city, while our radio campaign was heard by an additional 500,000 people throughout Central Indiana. In 2006, we will
add an official television partner, allowing us to increase our reach to over 1,000,000 people. In addition, the 2005 Festival was covered
by WISH TV, The Indianapolis Star, NUVO, INtake Weekly, Indianapolis Monthly, Indy Men's Magazine, and local papers throughout the
state. With your support, you can expect more than four million impressions for your business.
Please support our efforts to enrich, enlighten, educate and entertain people with your contribution to the 2006 Indianapolis
International Film Festival. Contact us right away to see how you can be a part of this very special cultural event.
As a non-profit organ
ization, the Indianapo
lis International Film F
estival would not exis
t without community
support. In its short h
IIFF has had many spo
nsors who have given
cash and in-kind dona
tions to make the Fes
tival a successful, ann
ual tradition. There ar
many different ways t
o become a IIFF spon
sor. A sponsorship ma
y be given for genera
l support or may be a
pplied to fund a spec
aspect of the Festival
such as international f
ilm sections, gala film
screenings, special ev
ents, receptions, sem
inars, hospitality and
travel. Your sponsorsh
ip will: