W W W. I N D Y F I L M F E S T. O R G
A P R I L 2 6 - 3 0 , 2 0 0 6
Of all art forms, cinema provides the most accessible window into the different worlds that make up life on planet Earth. Please
support our efforts to enrich, enlighten, educate and entertain people with your sponsorship of the 2006 Indianapolis International
Film Festival.
Think for a moment about the differing realities experienced by the six and a half billion people who live in the world today: What is life
like for a school teacher living in Paris, compared to that of a laborer in rural Africa? How can the life of an architect in New York City
affect that of a young girl sold into sexual slavery in the Bombay brothels? Consider the daily life of a mother and father struggling to
make a better life for their family in the Middle East, compared to that of a terrorist intent on destroying the peace process in that same
region. What do any of them have in common with your everyday life in Central Indiana, and why should it matter?
While movies can't feed a starving child, they can open our minds to the plight of that starving child in ways that newspapers, books
and television could never hope to. The power of film lies in its ability to illuminate life and make real the human stories behind the
headlines and statistics. Films nurture our ability to empathize with human struggles, which take place far beyond our own everyday
experience of reality. They inform us, they enlighten us and they educate us, providing a vivid reflection of the rich cultural, ethnic and
social diversity of this region and the world beyond our doors. And lest we get too high-falutin', they also entertain us, providing us
with an escape from everyday realities when the world seems a little too much with us.
So while it may be pushing a point to say that movies can save the world, they can certainly bring the rest of the world much closer to
people who live in Central Indiana. As such, they are eminently worthy of your support.
IIFF Group provides world-class programming for the people of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana. Our mission is dedicated to
enriching the cultural landscape of our city (and beyond) through film programs of exceptional merit and diversity. We bring the world
closer to home through our Festival and year-round screenings of international and American cinema. We bring aspiring local
filmmakers and writers together with professionals from around the world to enrich their ability to work in this vital art form.
And while the work we do is enjoyed by growing audiences, ticket sales alone can't cover the costs of bringing such cultural
enrichment to Indianapolis: it costs IIFF Group $20.66 for every ticket that is sold to a festival screening, leaving a large gap between
ticket sales and the cost of actually staging the event. To help underwrite those costs, we need your help.
Please support our efforts to enrich, enlighten, educate and entertain the people of Central Indiana with your sponsorship of our
Festival. While the gift you provide may not change the world overnight, it will help change people's hearts and minds, one viewer
at a time.
Sincerely yours,
Brian Owens, Director
1300 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel: 317.513.9379
Fax: 317.968.0402
E-mail: brian.owens@indyfilmfest.org
The answer is both simpler and more important than you might