How are you involved with the meetings industry (check all that apply)?
A. Planning
B. Selecting Location
C. Arranging Transportation
D. Other
Which of the following are your responsibility (check all that apply)?
A. Meetings
B. Incentive Travel Programs
C. Trade Shows/Exhibits
D. Training Programs
E. Other
What topics are important to you (check all that apply)?
A. Destination Information
B. Advice/Tips For Planning Meetings
C. Speaker Profiles
D. Meetings Industry News
What is THE most important topic to you?
How many meetings does your company hold annually?
A. 0
B. 1-4
C. 5-8
D. 9-12
E. 13 or more
What is the approximate attendance of your off-site meetings?
A. Less than 25
B. 25-49
C. 50-99
D. 100-249
E. 250-499
F. 500-999
G. 1,000-2,999
H. 3,000-5,000
Over 5,000
What are the approximate meetings, conventions and trade show expenditures your
company or department incurs (or books) annually (include all travel expenses and
check only one)?
A. Under $50,000
B. $50,000 to $99,999
C. $100,000 to $499,999