www.m lnsportszone.com
The Leader in Minor League Sports
MLN - The Raw FeedTM is the first all-sport, all-minor league
news syndication system in the nation.
Using a new state of the art RSS (Real Simple Syndication)
news feed system, our Raw Feed sends out a digest of the
best press releases, transaction reports, and game highlights
from the hundreds of teams and leagues that submit them
daily to the offices of Minor League News.
Stories appear both in a web-browser format (HTML), and on
the RSS system for instant republication to local media outlets,
booster websites, and even to end-users who have the new
RSS news aggregator programs built into their web-browsers
or home pages at places like Yahoo!® or MSN®.
Support Publications
The Open Source Sports Directory (OSSD) is another
MLN first. Ever look at one of these sites and see
something wrong with a player's bio or information? At
OSSD, you can change it. Live. Then you have the
satisfaction of seeing it, as soon as you hit Save*.
Covering every professional minor league and independent
player from tomorrow to 1885, our newest publication will
be the most comprehensive encyclopedia of minor sports
available. Using the `Wiki' technology of the world's largest
encyclopedia, MediWiki.
*changes subject to editorial approval can be revised/reversed later.
MLNKidsTM is a publication written by children for children
about minor league and independent sports in their home
towns. Children make up an important part of the new
"casual" fan base of the minors. Now we give them a
voice to ask athletes questions, create puzzles, and
answer those nagging questions, like "What's a Hat