The only all-sport, all-minor
league news publication with a
paper feel, format, and ad
management system. Look of
paper, power of the internet.
The only publication with powerful
sports business, travel, history,
and ticket selling sections to foster
more business for businesses in
the minors.
Reach out to the changing
markets of sports: The net and on-
time shipping decentralize
business, and bring more high-
wage-earning singles and
families back to mid-size and
small-town America; Sell to sports
fans in rising metro markets like
Austin, Memphis, Durham and
metro suburban markets. Sell to
some of the hottest tourist
Return to sane, easy to calculate
flat-rate advertising; No click fraud
or other webvertising headaches.
Fixed placement ads: Readers
use articles to find your ad every
Longer ad life - Print ads last a day
to a few weeks of publication.
Ads in a specialty e-zine are re-
read for years, particularly as
many players' careers last for a
decade or more.
Our Pitch: The Short Form
Major bullet points:
Top-notch writing and magazine
look and feel layout. The only fully
independent electronic magazine
in minor sports.
Display ads that run like magazine
ads Sizes that fit your message up
to a 3/4 page! Open box ads*
allow you to change your ad as
frequently as you like. It's your
space. Use it!
The only business section
dedicated to the minor leagues.
The only travel section. The only
history section. The first open
source player directory.
Agency cooperation on bulk
Follows trends in changing
demographics of men 18-35 who
are tuning out TV and turning on
their Wi-Fi laptops for
The MLN-The Raw FeedTM
publication is the first all-minor
sports RSS (Real Simple
Syndication) News Feed. Your ad
in cyberspace can move to
hundreds or thousands of
publications with one buy.
Podcasting opportunities through
our RSS system allow 30 second
audio commercials to run with our
www.m lnsportszone.com
The Leader in Minor League Sports