Welcome to The Skinny, the first
quarterly newsletter published by
Contour Dermatology and Cos-
metic Surgery Center. The
Skinny has been developed to
provide the desert community
with the latest and most up-to-
date information regarding der-
matology and cosmetic surgery.
The purpose of The Skinny is to
inform our readers on medical
and surgical procedures that we
perform such as Laser Surgery,
Mohs Surgery, Tumescent Lipo-
suction, Sclerotherapy, Facial
Fillers, and Cancer Surgery. The
Skinny also educates our readers
about dermatology specific topics
such as eczema, psoriasis, actinic
keratosis, warts, various skin dis-
eases, and
the impor-
tance of
caring for
your skin.
Each vol-
ume of
S k i n n y
will focus
on a par-
ticular topic, offering a wealth of in-
formation that will address questions
or concerns that you may have had
regarding a particular procedure or
skin disease.
We hope this information will give
our patients the power to play a key
role in their own skin health care.
The Skinny tip number one:
always wear sun block!
Volume 1, Issue 1
Exciting News for Contour Dermatology
& Cosmetic Surgery Center
November 14, 2002
What is a Laser?
V-Beam Laser
Hair and Tattoo Re-
Laser Resurfacing
Dr. Jochen on Lasers
Laser Discounts
Contour's Dr. Tim
Inside this issue:
The Skinny
Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center Presents
Yahoo! We're Expanding!
We are proud to announce the open-
ing of our second office located at
35280 Bob Hope Drive in Rancho
Mirage. This office will better serve
our current patients who are located
down-valley, as well as provide care
to new patients in the area.
As we write, the new office is being
designed and stocked with new
equipment and fresh paint. We
plan to be open for business by De-
cember 16th. Keep your fingers
crossed! All of us at Contour Derma-
tology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
are excited about the opportunity to
expand within our desert community.
The phone number will remain the
same for both offices 416-6971. When
scheduling, simply specify which of-
fice you'd prefer to be seen.