Laser resurfacing has added a new dimension to
cosmetic surgery. The carbon dioxide laser
) is a dermatologist's most promising
weapon in the fight against aging skin.
Over time natural aging, sun damage and
smoking break down the collagen layer
in the skin, which causes the skin's once
smooth surface to become wrinkled.
Laser resurfacing stimulates the growth
of new collagen making it possible to
remove a lifetime of sun damage, ble m-
ishes and wrinkles. Laser resurfacing tightens,
smoothes and rejuvenates the skin giving the
appearance of a non-surgical facelift.
The CO
laser works by emitting a focused
beam of light that has been converted from
light energy into heat. This powerful beam
penetrates the skin at a controlled depth. The
laser's light is than absorbed by the water in
the skin's cells, causing these cells to
evaporate. This creates a fresh surface
for new and undamaged skin to grow.
When performed by an experienced phy-
sician, the CO
laser has a very high
safety and success rate. Patients may
look ten years younger with permanent
It is probable that no advance in medicine has
had more of an impact than the development of
laser surgery. This modern day approach has
become a superior method in restoring the ag-
ing face.
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Dr. Jochen on Laser and Laser Surgery
Beaming New Skin with Laser Resurfacing
Take Advantage of our Laser Discounts
picking of healing skin,
staying out of the sun, and
wearing protective covering
when going outdoors
My patients have expressed
great satisfaction with re-
gaining their youthful ap-
pearance after laser sur-
Lasers are one of the most effective means for
removing fine lines, wrinkles and color irregu-
larities from the skin. They have a high safety
rate when used by a well-trained and experi-
enced physician.
The risk of scarring is very low. In fact, most
documented cases of scarring result in poor pa-
tient postoperative care. This means you must
follow all postoperative instructions such as no
tightens the
skin giving the
appearance of
a non-surgical
Timothy Jochen, MD
Board Certified Dermatologist
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Offer Expires 3/1/2003
V O L U M E 1, ISSUE 1