w w w . c o l o n n a d e d e v e l o p m e n t . c o m
S U M M E R 2 0 0 4
Dalton McGuinty has
proven once again that
there is good reason why
cynicism runs high
amongst the electorate
toward politicians.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine
exactly what direction the government will
take based on what they say, but rest
assured, the direction they take will affect
our community and have an effect on real
estate in Ottawa. If government is in
spending mode then rental rates will
tighten as the government takes up more
space in Ottawa. The opposite will
happen, of course, if the government
decides to tighten up on its spending and
shrink the size of government.
On a completely different note, I wanted
to share a noticeable trend we are seeing in
our buildings. More and more we are
being asked to increase the hydro capacity
of our buildings. Adding machinery is the
time tested way to increase productivity
and that requires power to deliver on the
machine's increasing features and output. In
our pursuit of increased productivity, at
home and at work, we have jeopardized
the stability of our electrical grid. Don't
get me wrong, I am the first to add a new
server at work or convenience at home if I
get more out of my day but I think it is
starting to catch up to us. We will
continue to work diligently to reduce
hydro consumption wherever possible.
In this issue we encourage you not to put
up with something in our buildings that
annoys you or something we can improve
on.Tell us and we will see if we can fix
what ails you.
Our job as the property manager is to keep
the tenants and the owners happy at the
same time. That balance is not always easy
to achieve but we are quite good at finding
that balance.
We also tell you more about how we
intend to grow our business. Why should
you care? Our focus is on the Ottawa
market.The development we embark on
may be within your community which
will improve the services and provide
employment opportunities.
We recently hired Richard Getz as our
Vice President of Retail to do retail
development and leasing. We find that this
is a natural fit with the construction,
development and financing services we
already provide in Colonnade. We tell you
a bit about our retail thrust in this report.
On the construction front, we are
continuing to provide better learning
environments to our children by
constructing better school extensions.
We compete with the temporary portables
that have a tendency to be very noisy and
have the possibility to generate mould.
Our product is made of concrete so mould
does not have a chance to feed and noise
does not have a chance to penetrate.
Thanks again for reading this report and I
hope that you feel you can contact me at
any time to discuss any aspect of your stay
in a Colonnade managed building.
Steve Kaminski
613.225.8118 skaminski@colonnade-dev.com
The Federal Election is finally completed and we wait anxiously to see how a minority
government will decide to allocate one of our largest household expenditures...taxes.