MMM Mobile Mail Manager User Manual
Version 1.1
Page 14 of 39
Settings required for the Graphical User Interface of Mobile Mail
6.1. Web Server Configuration:
Check you web server so that it is working properly.
Create a Virtual directory with alias 'mmm' for the product directory
(BTLMMM1_1C by default) in the web server (IIS or PWS) and set
the default page to default.asp
Change the connection string to connect to SQL Server database in
the connect.asp file in 'asp' directory.
6.2. Running the GUI from your browser:
Use following URL to access the `mmm' application from server:
Getting started with the user interface of
Mobile Mail Manager
The Mobile Mail Manager's Corporate GUI, allows you to administer various
functionalities like Adding, editing and deleting corporate users. You can also
assign a user to be an admin or a general user.