Aarle Rixtelseweg 14
P.O. Box 192
NL - 5700 AD Helmond
The Netherlands
+31 492 548555
+31 492 550225
NL 803.054.294
Bank : RABO Bank Helmond NL IBAN : NL33 RABO 0149 6346 68 BIC : RABONL2U
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Between :
Mo6 BV, a Dutch corporation having its principal office at Aarle Rixtelseweg 14
P.O. Box 192, NL-5700 AD Helmond, The Netherlands, with VAT nr
NL803.054.294 B01, duly represented by one of its directors, hereinafter called
......................... , a .................... corporation having its principal office at
................................................................................................... ,
duly represented by one of its directors, hereinafter called "Party"
Whereas :
- Mo6 possesses the worldwide exclusive rights to Patent 20688 after application no. P-
200000245, related the US Pat.Appl. 10/398759 and corresponding European patents, Patent
Application 200200189, and European Patent Application 030281885, hereafter jointly called
the "Patents";
- Mo6 possesses the worldwide exclusive rights to the nanomaterial called MOSIX, hereinafter
"MOSIX", subject of the Patents;
- Party is interested to perform a number of research activities and/or experiments related to
and/or based on MOSIX, with the intention to explore the possibilities to use MOSIX in the
context of a product, process or activity within the scope of its business operations;
- Mo6 will, in conjunction with the aforesaid, supply to Party a sample of MOSIX (either payable
or free-of-charge) and/or disclose to Party scientific, technical and/or commercial information
relating to MOSIX, and/or the facilities, products, techniques, processes, services related to
MOSIX (hereinafter "Information") and Mo6 insists to restrict the use and further disclosure of
the Information;