Best praCtiCe standards
City Care's vision to be the best in the business encomp-
asses all areas of the company's operations. The general
objectives of the company are to adopt responsible social,
environmental and value-adding approaches to all aspects
of the business. This means that in addition to operating the
business in such a way that it generates appropriate financial
returns and dividend streams to our shareholder, Christchurch
City Holdings Ltd, we consider the impact of our activities on
our staff, our clients, the environment and the communities
we work in:
We strive to be an "employer of choice" by offering our
employees a work environment where their health and
safety is of paramount importance and they are
encouraged and supported to take up opportunities
for training and career advancement.
We tailor our services to meet the needs of our clients
and work in partnership with them to reach "win win"
solutions to the daily challenges of maintaining and
constructing infrastructure and amenities.
We act in an environmentally responsible manner
and look for ways to implement sustainable
business practices.
We aim to be a good corporate citizen and engage
in activities that benefit the communities we work in.
City Care uses the Baldrige Criteria for Performance
Excellence to assist us in establishing priorities for improving
our business. The Baldrige Criteria are published annually
by the US Department of Commerce and reflect latest
research findings on successful management practices
in high performing organisations. City Care's management
team audits the company's management systems against the
Criteria at least once each year. This enables the team to
identify projects for business improvement that will enhance
the company's performance and help us to achieve our
City Care values
City Care has five core values which describe the way we
carry out our business. Our values are depicted by the hand
symbols on the right.
and better
we create