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City Care - Performance report 2006 (Page 58)

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City Care - Performance report 2006
David Spence (Chairman)
Derek Crombie
Tony King
Hugh Martyn
Trevor Thornton
Corporate Team
Onno Mulder (Chief Executive)
Ian Walker (Chief Financial Officer)
Barry Clark (Information Technology)
Jono Brent (Business Development)
Shelley Holst (Human Resources)
Denise Bowen (Business Processes)
Registered office:
245 Milton Street
P O Box 7669
New Zealand
Telephone: +64 3 941 7200
Facsimile: +64 3 941 7202
Audit New Zealand,
on behalf of the Auditor-General
Chapman Tripp, Christchurch
Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch
Where City Care works

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