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City Care - Performance report 2006 (Page 31)

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City Care - Performance report 2006
s O l i d wa s t e
City Care produced 105,808 tonnes of waste this year, of
which over 90% (96,177 tonnes) was clean fill generated
from construction activities. This material is used to
rehabilitate existing quarries.
While the overall volume of waste produced has increased
in line with the company's increasing revenue, a positive
trend is the reduction in mixed waste dumped from 10,012
tonnes last year to 8,492 tonnes for the year ended June
2006. This reflects City Care's strong emphasis on sorting
waste and recycling where possible.
A notable success in this area during the year was our
negotiation of an arrangement with paint supplier Wattyl
to have our empty paint cans (which had previously been
dumped) collected for recycling.
Trevor Thornton, Director
Trevor Thornton joined the City Care Board as a Director in October
2004. Trevor is a senior Director of the Christchurch office of Grant
Thornton, Chartered Accountants. He works closely with a range
of companies to improve business performance and strengthen
management and governance procedures. Trevor is heavily involved
at board level, assisting the directors in setting and achieving strategic
outcomes, maximising operating performance in both the short and
longer term, and in implementing best practice.
Figure X: Waste Produced (Tonne)
96,177 Hardfill
1,139 Green
8,492 Mixed

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